
ToplaceanewcopyofanNPCatyourcurrentlocation,typethefollowingintheconsole:player.placeatme;TomovetoanNPC,typethefollowing ...,2021年12月14日—...movetoplayerandtheplayer.moveto00039FB7methode3.)TheproblemoccurredinbothmoddedandnotmoddedSkyrimSE.Sot...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Console Commands (Skyrim)Characters

To place a new copy of an NPC at your current location, type the following in the console: player.placeatme <BaseID> <#> ; To move to an NPC, type the following ...

Courier invisible and moveto does not work

2021年12月14日 — ... moveto player and the player.moveto 00039FB7 methode 3.) The problem occurred in both modded and not modded Skyrim SE. So that being ...

Moveto Console Command Help

This cheat will teleport your target to the NPC or object with the specified reference ID. Use 'player.moveto' to teleport your character. Syntax ...

NPC 代碼| 上古卷軸5 天際

指令, 說明. prid xxxxx, 指定操作對象,等同用游標點選對象. moveTo player, 移動到玩家身邊. xxxxxx.moveTo player, 直接讓xxxxxx 移動到玩家身邊. player.

Player.moveto not working :

Hi there everyone. I'm having a major issue right now. I normally don't use console commands for any reason but Lucien Flavius the custom follower has ...


2024年7月3日 — moveto <actor ID>, Move a character to specified actor and vice versa. Example 1 - move Player to an object or NPC: player.moveto 0002BFA2 .

What is the console command for moving an NPC to you or ...

2011年11月15日 — The easiest way to do this is... Open your console type: prid [npcid] (without the [ ]) moveto player · To move the player to the npc, type

【心得】最近發現一個用來找人好用的控制台指令@上古卷軸 ...

2022年11月12日 — ... moveto (你傳送過去)或是moveto player (NPC過來你這) 即可如果是MOD的同伴或NPC,找人就會很麻煩,不能使用一般help的方式,因為那是找到他的原始 ...


2012年6月15日 — moveto player (注意有個點) 第二個是先輸入: prid [X] 然後視窗中間會出現此代號,這時再輸入moveto player 至於要傳送到代號為[X]的NPC身邊請輸入 ...


ToplaceanewcopyofanNPCatyourcurrentlocation,typethefollowingintheconsole:player.placeatme<#>;TomovetoanNPC,typethefollowing ...,2021年12月14日—...movetoplayerandtheplayer.moveto00039FB7methode3.)TheproblemoccurredinbothmoddedandnotmoddedSkyrimSE.Sothatbeing ...,ThischeatwillteleportyourtargettotheNPCorobjectwiththespecifiedreferenceID.Use'player.moveto'toteleportyourcharact...